our dearest friends (and former roommates!) are the strongest, most compassionate and loyal people we know. we've loved watching their adventurous life unfold over the years and have been sliding into every conversation (or rather demanding- does it really matter???) how they need to move back to nebraska and guess what?! IT FINALLY WORKED! they moved back a few short months before their due date (see? adventurous.) and though i was happy to have my friends just down the street from us nothing will ever top this experience. i got the phone call around 4:30am that it was time and by 7:15am emery was in their arms after my beautiful friend gave birth to her in their cozy home, surrounded by all the love in the world. 

sweet emery nadyne, what a treasure it was to be a witness to the miracle of your birth. to see your mother use every ounce of beautiful and graceful strength this world has prepared her for to bring you into this world. to see your father love and care and prepare the most loving atmosphere for you to breathe your first breath in. your parents are the best of the best and you are so lucky to have them forever. you were born into a room full of love and i hope you never experience anything less. we are so happy to have you in our lives! all my love, sweet girl.